Saturday, April 28, 2007

Freedom from Self-Improvement Day

I'm not sure I'll be able to celebrate on May 15th. I am a compulsive self-improver. I've read hundreds of self-improvement books from the practical to the helpful to the totally unrealistic.
I read Lifehacker every day to improve productivity.

But I remember those days when I was a kid. Just roller skating up and down the block. Laying on the grass in the the backyard under the maple tree reading comic books. Playing "kick the can" or "500 baseball" with the other kids on the block till the sun went down.

Maybe I can make it through one day ... because I'm good enough, smart enough, and doggone it ...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Giving Back

Writing this while I'm trying to vote for Melinda Doolittle . Mostly, I let "America" vote but it's American Idol Gives Back week. One of the beneficiaries is Second Harvest, which I think does wonderful work. I donate locally to Greater Chicago Food Depository. It's so logical to get excess food from groceries, restaurants and caterers and to channel it to organizations that feed the poor. Second Harvest and GCFD provide the infrastructure and organize the volunteers to accomplish that. Those are the type of things worth singing about.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gratitude Journal

I am grateful for vibrant colors of the flowers, the warmth of the sun as winter finally becomes spring, the feeling of a fresh start when I walk outside and enjoy the beauty of the day.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

X-Men Quiz

Are you a sucker for online quizzes with ego-inflating results? I love the answer this one gave me.

You Are Storm

Exotic and powerful, Storm descended from a line of African priestesses.
Emotions can effect your powers, but you are generally serene.

Powers: controlling weather, creating winds that lift you into flight, generating lightning

Silicon Valley Tarot

I forgot how much fun this was and re-discovered the link today. I asked a question and got a great reading.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Darth Phones Home

Apparently Darth Vader is posting on Twitter. As a fan of Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Really Short Stories and other types of flash fiction, I'm fascinated by the collage of tiny stories that are being posted to the mini-blogs like Twitter and Tumblr. Can a story be told in six words? Try these. For short fiction, non-fiction and poetry read this online magazine: Flashquake.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Creative Game - Grow Cube

Many online games are the same. Break-out or Pac Man clones. Tetris Twins. This game is very clever and creative.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Time, Space, Books & You

Do you ever wonder why you have all those books surrounding you? Some you've read and will read again. Some are for reference. Some are for inspiration. Some books ... maybe someday. Pick any one of them up, close your eyes, and with your eyes closed open the book to a random page. With your eyes still closed, point to a spot on the page. Open your eyes, read the nearest sentence or phrase. Contemplate: what does this mean for you today? In other words, this is your message today from the Universe. Not a forecast. More of a conversation with Life. It's called Bibliomancy or Stichomancy.